Mary has experience and expertise in supervising counsellors and non-counsellors (Care staff, CPN's, Bereavement Counsellors, and specialist NHS workers, etc.). I offer both clinical and non-clinical supervision.

supervising services cardiff wales

For counselling clinicians supervision is an ethical (BACP) requirement.

Supervision provides a protected place for staff to pause, reflect and restore their energies. Staff return to work able to bring fresh perspectives to their job and enhanced care for their service users. Supervision benefits both staff and organisations via increased staff care and reduced staff burnout.

Mary delivers supervision for both individuals and groups providing :

  • a safe, confidential space where participant(s) can meet and discuss issues
  • a nurturing space, where participant(s) can draw personal and professional support as needed
  • a time for case presentation and discussion
  • an environment where participant(s) can name and discuss issues in a pro-active way
  • an 'action learning' environment where participant(s) can explore different ways of thinking and working in a creative and positive way

To date Teamworks has provided Supervision and Staff Support for various organisations including: The Harvey Jones Adolescent Unit, Cardiff Aids Helpline / Terence Higgins Trust, Community Mental Health teams, DVLA Counselling & Support Service (Swansea), Land Registry Welfare (Swansea), SARC, College departments and Counselling teams.

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"It gives me a chance to stop and take stock in a busy schedule. It stabilises me and my practice"
Freelance counsellor

"As someone who is changing role, a series of sessions have allowed me clear space to consider the big picture and how best to respond"
Voluntary Sector practitioner

"Supervision with Mary is both supportive and challenging.  She helps me think outside the box"
NHS clinician and manager